Where can I find the length requirements for a permanent lane shifting/offset taper? The only reference I have found to the transition/offset taper is that of a transition across an intersection but there is no formula for this transition or maximum allowable offset noted.

It shows a black arrow pointing up and a curved line joining the bottom shaft of the arrow on the right side. They are yellow with black borders and legends.

Part 3 of the MUTCD does not make any mention of the difference between a mering taper and a transition/offset taper. This figure shows 11 merging and passing signs and plaques. Part 3 of the MUTCD gives the same formula for the taper requirements but does not allow the L/2 to be used for a transition/offset taper. I have been told that the L/2 is only applicable to temporary traffic control since this is found in Chapter 6 of the MUTCD for temporary traffic control. I have located the formula in Chapter 6 of the MUTCD which notes that you can use the L/2 for a transition taper where L is the taper length for a merging taper. The Merge sign should not be used where two roadways converge and merging movements are not required. Comes in two pieces - sign and crossbrace. Does anyone have any experience with the requirements for a lane transition/offset taper? Trucks Merging Sign - Roll Up Road Construction Traffic Sign 48 x 48.